
You and me we made a vow

너랑 나 우리는 약속했지.

For better or for worse

좋던 싫던,

I can't believe you let me down

너가 날 실망시킨걸  믿을 수 없어.

But the proof is in the way it hurts

그런데, 확실한 건 상처야.

For months on end I've had my doubts

몇달동안 난 의심하고 있었어.

Denying every tear

모든 슬픔을 부인하면서

I wish this would be over now

이제 난 끝냈으면 해.

But I know that I still need you here

그래도 난 여전히 너가 여기 있었으면 해.

You say I'm crazy

너는 내가 미쳤다고 하겠지.

'Cause you don't think I know what you've done

왜냐면 넌 너가 한일을 내가 아는 것을 모를테니까

But when you call me baby
그런데 너가 나를 baby라 부를 때면

I know I'm not the only one

내가 너의 유일한 사람이 아니란 걸 알아.

You've been so unavailable.

너는 매우 바빴지.
Now sadly I know why

슬프게도, 나는 그 이유를 알았다.
Your heart is unobtainable

너의 마음을 얻을 수 없어.
Even though Lord knows you kept mind.

신은 너가 마음에 있다는 걸 알지만,

You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done
But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one

I have loved you for many years

나는 수년동안 널 사랑했어.

Maybe I am just not enough

충분하진 않더라도,

You've made me realize my deepest fear
너는 깊은 슬픔을 알게 해주었지.

By lying and tearing us up

거짓말로 우릴 갈라놓으면서,

You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done
But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one

You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done
But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one.


linguamarina 유투버 영상 시청 해당 표현 문장들 정리

1. How is it going? This mean how are you. This is say to another way how are you? you can say when you meet someone.

2. Long time no see!

That means that you haven't seen this person maybe weeks or months. You can say long time no see.

3. What have you been up to? What have you been up to so what was going on in your life?

4. Can’t complain

If everything is going well you can just answer can't complain. Everything is really cool.

5. How do you know?

Somebody tells you something and you haven't really mentioned it in the conversation like they guess somehow that you have a new job, and you ask him. Where did you get the news?

6. That’s a good one = That’s a good joke! If somebody tells a cool joke.

7. It’s very kind of you! Thank you so very much.

8. Thank you anyway If somebody was trying to help you, but couldn't reach the result. It doesn't matter. Thank you for your effort.

9. Thank you in advance! I use in my email sometimes when I haven't asked for a person. I ask and then I say in the end.

It means that I really hope that you're gonna do it.

10. No worries

That means don't worry.

11. What’s going on?

What are you doing here?

12. Did I get you right?

If you didn't catch something or it didn't understand the person you can ask.

And then go ahead and explain where you got

13. Don’t take it to heart

If you ask somebody not to be upset not to cry. You can say don't take it to heart.

14. I didn’t catch the last word

If you didn't catch a part of a phrase you can say.

Can you repeat it because I didn't catch the last word

15. Sorry, I wasn’t listening

Can you repeat it , but this expression sometimes they feel you rude because I'm not important you saying so I wasn't listening.

16. It doesn’t matter

Don't worry. I'll be fine.

17. Fingers crossed!

Good luck!

18. Oh, that. That explains it.

The situation is you didn't get something and then you get an extra effeck, and you get it.

19. Things happen

It's okay.

20. Sorry to bother you.

If you don't have the name of a person you want to talk to him.

Somebody is busy you can say and then you can go ahead and ask.

21. I’ll be with you in a minute.

You're in the middle of something and somebody somebody's asking you to do something you say.

22. Where were we?

When did we stop?

23. You were saying? I’m sorry, I didn’t catch you.

That means which prompts the person to repeat once again.

24. Lucky you!

This is way of congratulating the person.

25. I freaked out = to become very angry, scared or excited

This is super angry. almost crazy.

26. Good for you!

This could be both positive and negative.

Congratulations and negative meaning. (listen to the intonation)

27. You’ve got to be kidding me!

If something surprises you. I can't believe it.

28. Cheer up!

To tell somebody to smile and to be happy

29. Come on, you can do it!

If you want somebody just sound like crying and complaining about something that is not happening.

30. Keep up the good work!

If somebody is doing really well, you can tell them.

31. That’s lit! = That’s amazing!

That's amazing!

32. There you go!

I told you you're gonna make it.

33. Not a bit!

No. I'm not.

34. There is no room for doubt

You're pretty sure.

35. I’ll text you!

I will send you a message.

36. It’s not worth it!

To cheer somebody up to tell them to not be upset.

37. You rock!

You're amazing.

38. You should go the extra mile…

If somebody's not working really well, you want them to work harder

39. Step up your game = Start performing better

Work harder. Work better.

40. Pull yourself together = Calm down and behave normally

Calm down.

41. You sold me! = You convinced me on something

Okay. you convinced me.

42. Couldn’t care less = used to express total lack of interest in something

If you're not interested in the conversation.

43. This is a no-brainer = Easy decision

It's a really easy decision.

44. You screwed up.

If you've done something wrong and you admit it.

45. Can you cover me? = Can you work in my place?

Can you work instead of me.

46. I’d better be going.

It's time to leave.

47. Take care!

Good bye

48. Thank heavens it’s Friday.

Thank god it's Friday.


Present continuous(I am doing)

We use the continuous for things happening at or around the time of speaking. The action is not complete.


The water is boiling. Can you turn it off?

Listen to those people. What language are they speaking?

Let's go out. It isn't raining now.

I'm busy. What are you doing?

I'm getting hungry. Let's go and eat.

Kate wants to work in Italy, so she's learning ltalian.

The population of the world is increasing very fast.

We use the continuous for temporary situations 


I'm living with some friends until I find a place of my own.

You're working hard today. Yes, I have a lot to do.

Present simple(I do)

We use the simple for things in general or things that happen repeatedly.


Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

Excuse me, do you speak English?

It doesn't rain very much in summer.

What do you usually do at weekends?

I always get hungry in the afternoon.

Most people learn to swim when they are children.

Every day the population of the word increases by about 200,000 people.

We use the simple for permanent situations


My parents live in London. They have lived there all their lives.

Joe isn't lazy. He works hard most of the time

We use continuous forms for actions and happenings that have started but not finished (they are eating./ It is raining etc.). Some verbs are not normally used in this way. We don't say 'I am knowing' or 'they are liking' ; we say 'I know', 'they like'

The following verbs are not normally used in the present continuous:

like / want / need / prefer

know / realize / suppose / mean / understand / believe / remember

belong / fit / contain / consist / seem


I'm hungry. I want something to eat.

Do you understand what I mean?

Anna doesn't seem very happy at the moment.

When think means 'believe' or 'have an opinion' , we do not use the continuous:


I think Mary is Canadian, but I'm not sure.

What do you think of my plan?

When think means 'consider' , the continuous is possible:


I'm thinking about what happened. I often think about it.

Nicky is thinking of giving up her job. 

We normally use the present simple (not continuous) with these verbs(see hear smell taste)


Do you see that man over there?

This room smells. Let's open a window.

You can use the present simple or continuous to say how somebody looks or feels now:


You look well today. or You're looking well today.

How do you feel now? or How are you feeling now?

but I usually feel tired in the morning. (not I'm usually feeling)

Passive Present continuous(be being done)

active : am/is/are + (do)ing

passive : am/is/are + being (done)


Somebody is cleaning the room at the moment.

The room is being cleaned at the moment.

There's somebody walking behind us. I think we are being followed.

(In a shop) Can I help you? No, thanks. I'm being served.

The passive of doing/seeing etc. is being done / being seen etc. Compare:

active   : I don't like people telling me what to do.

passive : I don't like being told what to do.


I remember being taken to the zoo when I was child. (=I remember somebody taking me to the zoo.)

Steve hates being kept waiting. ( = He hates people keeping him waiting.)

We managed to climb over the wall without being seen. ( = without anybody seeing us.)


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