
내가 그녀를 오해했어.

I've got her wrong.

악의는 없었어.

No offense.

넌 말뿐이야.

You're all talk.


Busy or not,

만사 제쳐두고 갈게요.

I'll put everything aside and come.

시간이 좀 걸릴거 같아.

I think it'll take a while.

말이 나와서 말인데,

Now that you mention it,


I go along with that.

난 별로 먹을 생각 없는데.

I'm not in the mood to eat.

이런 걸로 불평하는 거 질렸어.

I'm sick of complaining about this.


I've had it with it. / I've had enough of it.

근처에 왔다가 들렀어.

I was in the neighborhood and came by.

나가서 간단히 뭐 좀 먹자.

Let's go grab a bite to eat.

근처에 자주 가는 곳 있어?

Do you have a favorite hangout around here?

난 네 편이야.

I'm on your side.

어떻게 됐어?

How did it go?


What can I say?


You have to get used to it.

기억력이 예전 같지 않아.

My memory is not what it used to be.

골프에 관해서라면 그는 타고났어.

When it comes to golf, he's a natural.

더 이상 못 참아.

I can't take it anymore. / I can't stand it.

온몸에 소름이 돋았어.

I've got goose bumps all over.


I'm freezing to death.

외출할 때 든든히 입는게 좋겠어.

You should bundle up when going out.


'Information > English note' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Phrase] English conversion (Set9)  (0) 2019.01.03
[Phrase] English conversion (Set8)  (0) 2019.01.02
[Phrase] English conversion (Set7)  (0) 2019.01.01
[Phrase] English conversion (Set6)  (0) 2018.12.31
[Phrase] English conversion (Set5)  (0) 2018.12.23

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